By visiting this blog, you certainly have noticed the delicate painting as our main theme, depicting a meeting of Gopis. This is one of the beautiful works of Annapurna devi dasi, a talented artist that uses fine art to broadcast the infinite beauty of the Absolute.
By Annapurna devi dasi

Although art was my best subject when I was small, I didn’t have the idea that I would become an artist. I wanted to find the purpose of life. That was more important. I was looking for God consciousness. At that time I didn’t connect my interest in art to God consciousness.

I was at a back-to-nature festival, and devotees came and sat down to sing. It was so attractive. The vibration and the Hare Krsna mantra just went into my heart. And I just knew that this is the truth. I didn’t need to go to a lecture and be philosophically convinced. I’m more intuitive. I find things more with my feelings and my intuition. It was such a wonderful experience.

I joined the Hare Krsna movement when I was 20, in 1978. There was no emphasis on my developing as an artist. I did book distribution, deity worship, temple service, got married, had a child. But I’m grateful for those years because bhakti-yoga is very purifying, and I feel that now I’m on much better ground to be more active as an artist and to develop as an artist.

I’m happy that I can express my conviction and my Krsna consciousness through art, because Krsna consciousness is such a treasure.
What is art? An artist has a certain mind and a certain way of looking at things. But I don’t think I would be satisfied to paint just for the sake of making a nice picture. I feel that art is to express divinity. I think nowadays this has become somewhat lost.

I’m convinced that every person has a special gift for himself and for the world and it can take a little time before you know what your gift is. When you discover that, you can live a more fulfilling, satisfying life because you understand your own uniqueness. And this uniqueness is not something like, “Oh, look at me. I’m this or that.” But you understand that it’s a gift from God, and you want to use it in His service.

I’ve been living in the country for sixteen years. That environment influences me in a good way. I like to be able to see the sky and the trees. And to be in the temple is a very nice uplifting experience. I depend on my surroundings to be in balance. If I’m not in balance, I don’t think I can work much with art. Through spiritual life, year after year after year, I’ve come to a balance with myself.
Krsna consciousness has helped me a lot as an artist. If you paint pictures of Krsna, they’re spiritual pictures. Krsna is a spiritual person. To paint pictures of Krsna I feel I have to be very serious in my spiritual life. For Krsna to come alive in my pictures, I have to say, “Please Krsna, I’m your servant. Please help me to express myself and to paint You. It is very much what I would like to do as a service to You.”
The purpose of the Krsna consciousness movement is to fix one’s mind on Krsna. Just imagine that you want to paint something about Krsna. You just fill your mind with Krsna’s pastimes. Just take a vision of Krsna within yourself – how He’s dressed and how He’s wearing a garland. And you can almost smell the flowers and see His hair and expressions and His dealings with His devotees. Painting is a meditation."
You can check out more of Anna Purna devi dasi work by clicking HERE

I find that it’s hard for many people to understand that the Absolute Truth is a person. Explaining to them that God is blue and plays a flute and so on doesn’t have the same effect as their seeing a painting. When they see a painting, they appreciate Krsna’s beauty. Krsna can speak to them.

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